The Stage Top incubator for Leica Digital Light Sheet allows to perform time lapse imaging on living samples by controlling Temperature, Humidity and Gas concentration.
The Stage Top incubator fits into the Super Z Galvo stage and features a temperature controlled lid to accommodate and warm up the TwinFlect mirror device. An objective heater controls the temperature of the detection objectives Leica HC APO L 10x/0.3 W and Leica HC FLUOTAR L 25x/0.95 W.
- 35/60 mm Petri dishes
- Compatible with Leica DLS module, it allows usage of illumination and detection objectives
- Includes an objective collar for detection objectives Leica HC APO L 10x/0.3 W and Leica HC FLUOTAR L 25x/0.95 W
- Uniformly heated by means of embedded electric resistances and covered with a temperature controlled lid
- Spring locks hold Petri dishes, in correct position inside the chamber
- Perfusion holes: 12 channels for 2.0 mm O.D. tubings are available
- The chamber screws onto Super Z galvo stage
- Chamber weight, 130 g.
- To control the humidity into the chamber humidity module is recommended: HM-ACTIVE
H301-T-UNIT-BL-PLUS is the most advanced solution for Temperature Control. It is compatible with Digital Gas Controllers and with Active Humidity Controller to ensure best environmental control for live cell imaging.
H301-T-UNIT-BL-PLUS has five independent temperature channels: chamber base, chamber lid, objective heater, sample temperature sensor, room temperature sensor.
- Temperature Range: from 3°C above ambient to 60°C
- Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C
- Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.1°C in sample feedback mode, ± 0.3°C in chamber feedback mode
- Controls up to # 5 Temperature sensors:
- Chamber Base
- Chamber Lid
- Sample T Sensor
- Room T Sensor
- Objective Heater T sensor
- Compatible with:
- Objective Heater
- Active Humidity Controller
- Digital Gas Controllers
- Smart Box data logger
- SDK available for integration in third party software
- Drivers available for LAS X

Touch Pad Interface
Beautifully designed, simple to use and very compact.
OKO-TOUCH is all you need to operate the system.

Compatible Units
H301-T-UNIT-BL-PLUS is designed to perfectly fit with:
- Active Humidity Controller
- Smart Box data logger

Sample Temperature Sensor?
It measures the temperature in a reference well near the sample.
It ensures Temperature stability even if the doors of the enclosure are temporarely opened.
The Bold Line Gas Controllers connect to the Temperature Controller via a cable-less connector and are operated through the same touch screen interface OKO-TOUCH.
CO2 and or O2 accuracy is ±0.1% with adjustable total output flow rate.
The Active Humidity Controller is typically used with a Stage Top Incubation System.
- CO2 accuracy: 0.1% (see Controller page for more info)
- O2 accuracy: 0.1% (see Controller page for more info)
- Touch Screen Interface - OKO-TOUCH
- Output Flow Rate: adjustable from OKO-TOUCH
- Compatible with Active Humidity Controller
- Programmable CO2 (and /or) O2 cycles
- Compatible with SMART BOX for data logging and remote operation - Optional
- Data Logging via OKOLAB Data Log Software - Optional
- Compatible with LAS X

Preventing evporation?
Use the best Humidifier on the market: ACTIVE HUMIDITY CONTROLLER
It connects to the Gas Controller and shows up in OKO-TOUCH

Hypoxia and / or Hyperoxia ?
Oxygen control is our pride.
Check out the available solutions in the Controller List

Multiple units ? Be Smart - go central
One controller feeds up to 10 microscope incubators.
Microscopes can be in different rooms.
Available Bold Line Digital Controllers
CO2 | O2 | Accuracy | Outlet P, barg (psi) | |
CO2-Unit-BL | 0-18% | - | ±0.1% | 0 |
CO2-Unit-BL-CP2 (multi-user centralized controller) | 0-10% | - | ±0.1% | 1.5 (22) |
O2-Unit-BL [1-20] | - | 1-20% | ±0.1% | 0 |
CO2-O2 Unit-BL [0-10;1-18] | 0-10% | 1-18% | ±0.1% | 0 |
CO2-O2 Unit-BL [0-20;1-95] | 0-20% | 1-95% | ±0.1% | 0 |
CO2-O2 Unit-BL [0-10; 0-1] | 0-10% | 0-1% | ±0.1% | 0 |
Active Humidity Controllers control the Relative Humidity inside the chamber in the range 50-95% with a resolution of 1%.
- Connects to any Bold Line Gas controller
- Controlled via OKO-TOUCH
- Humidity sensor resolution 1%
- A heated tube connects the Active Humidity Controller to the Chamber
- Stand alone version (HM-ACTIVE-STANDALONE) is available to run the humidifier independently of the gas controller.
The dry gas is humidified by flowing over warm water. The Humidity sensor regulates water temperature in order to achieve the desired relative humidity in the chamber.
To prevent water condensation, the tube connecting the humidity controller to the chamber is heated.
OKO-TOUCH is an intuitive and user-friendly touch screen interface. It connects to any one of the Bold Line Controllers, detects all equipment in the system and displays all functions supported by the equipment detected.
It allows to:
- Turn all Bold Line Controllers on/off
- Define set point values
- Set flow rates gas controller
- Define gas cycles of gas controller
- Define temperature cycles of temperature controller
- Select sample or chamber feedback mode
- Select chamber model and plate adapter
- Display all set points and measured parameters
- Run self calibration procedures