"Okolab is a provider of complete and reliable solutions for Live Cell Microscopy"

Live Cell Imaging
At Okolab, we believe in the beauty of simplicity.
Our microscope incubators are elegantly designed, user friendly and technologically advanced.
Cage incubator
T range: [3°C above ambient to 45°C]
Digital or Manual CO2/O2 control
Models for any inverted and upright microscope
Custom design upon request
Stage Top Incubator
T range: [3°C above ambient to 45°C]
Three options of Controllers allow to chose the most appropriate solution
Compatible with Objective Heater
Chambers available for any XY Stage (including upright)
Stage Top Incubator - water jacket
T range: [-5°C to 60°C]
Digital or Manual CO2/O2 control
Chambers available for any XY Stage (including upright)
Temperature controlled heating band
Easy installation around the objective
Fits any objective on the market
Connects to Stage Top Incubator
Single channel controller available for standalone operation