Screws onto Olympus IX3-SVR Stage
Magnetic inserts allow to use:
- 35/60 mm Petri
- 1x3 in. / 1x2 in. chambered slides
- 6-12-24-48-96 MW Plates
- Sliding lid for easy pipetting
- Optional lids available for Kohler Illumination, Laser Safety, Injection during imaging
- Flexible chamber height thanks to the removable chamber riser and the optional Koheler Lid
- Magnets allow easy interchange of chamber inserts
- Magnetic locks hold Petri, Slides and MW in correct position inside the chamber
- Perfusion holes: 12 channels for 2.5mm O.D. tubings are available in the chamber riser

Available Inserts
Available LIDs
![H201-OLYMPUS-IX3-SVR-[SLIDING LID]-_600x600.jpg](/images/okaImages/product_categories/live_cell_imaging/cage_incubator/gas_chambers/h201_olympus_ix3_svr/H201-OLYMPUS-IX3-SVR-%5BSLIDING%20LID%5D-_600x600.jpg)

![H201-OLYMPUS-IX3-SVR-[SLIDING LID]_600x600-[DIMENSIONS].jpg](/images/okaImages/product_categories/live_cell_imaging/cage_incubator/gas_chambers/h201_olympus_ix3_svr/H201-OLYMPUS-IX3-SVR-%5BSLIDING%20LID%5D_600x600-%5BDIMENSIONS%5D.jpg)