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CO2-UNIT-BL connects to any Bold Line Temperature Controller and is operated through the same touch pad. It is compatible with Active Humidity Controller HM-ACTIVE. 

  • Adds CO2 to Air or to N2
  • CO2 range: 0-18%
  • Accuracy: ± 5% of CO2 concentration, i.e. ± 0.25% at 5% CO2
  • Set Point Resolution: 0.1%; Repeatability: better than 0.1%
  • Output flow rate: 0 - 0.8 Nl/min at ambient pressure
  • CO2 sensor: 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector
  • CO2 Sensor calibration routine with external meter or calibration gas
  • Compatible with OKO-AIR-PUMP-BL for operation with background air
  • Compatible with Active Humidity Controller
  • Compatible with Smart Box for data logging and remore operation
  • Programmable CO2 cycles
  • Drivers available for: NiS Elements, Metamorph, Micromanager
  • SDK available for integration in third party software
  • TTL communication: order CO2-UNIT-BL-TTL